Friday 21 December 2012

Facebook Page

If you are on Facebook, we are trialing a facebook page to give parents updates and information in another format.  You can find us by searching for Stromness Nursery and Preschool when logged into facebook.  If you 'like' our page, you will receive notifications of any posts.

We're back!

Thank you very much to the boys in the council who have been working very hard to return our laptop to us and get us back online!  We have compiled a quick overview of some of the activities that we have done this term. 
The hairdressers was very popular at the start of the term and saw many of us sporting very fancy hairdoos around the nursery.
We had a go at dooking for apples on Halloween and we were great at it.  We also had some lovely orange slime in our water tray which, although we did feel it, we were not keen to play in! 
Two ladies came into speak to us about the Pop tradition in Stromness for Guy Fawkes and we had a go at making our own ones. 
We dressed in spots to help raise money for Children in Need and some of us had face paints on too. 
We had one nice day with a bit of snow/ice and we went out to explore for a while and we were fascinated with the ice melting in our hands.
The nursery teachers went a visit to the new school and shared their photos with us.  We are really excited to be moving and have been helping to pack up all our resources. 
We decorated the nursery with our Christmas tree and Santa's workshop.
We also created loads of gifts to sell on our fund raising stall. We were very busy and made reindeer food, salt dough cups, hot chocolate cones, shortbread, wrapping paper, cards, gift tags and calendars. It was really successful and all the people who bought something helped us to raise over £300 to help us raise money for our outdoor suits. Thank you very much
 We had a fantastic Christmas Party with a bouncy castle and we played lots of games.   We also sang in the Christmas nativity and if any parents would like a copy of our video, please take a pen drive in and we can copy it for you.  We will try to upload it onto our blog as well for you to see.  
 Santa came in to visit us and brought us some new instruments.  We have been loving playing them
as we sing. 
We have had a busy term and are all looking forward to relaxing over Christmas now.  We hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.  We look forward to seeing you all back at the old school on Monday 7th January.

Friday 12 October 2012

Wear it Pink Day

What a busy but fantastic day we have all had.  Well done to every child who made it along to our Pink Superhero day wearing their pink/superhero outfit.  

Thank you to all the families who kindly donated, we managed to raise 
£52.32 for Breast Cancer research.  

To get into the spirit of the day, the children participated in some Superhero Training.  These are some of the activities that they did. 
 We made some Daring Disguises...can you guess who is under the mask?
We were learning how to 'Leap over buildings'....
we developed our flying skills...
and our balancing skills.  We had to concentrate carefully when collecting the pink kryptonite!
We were strengthening our mighty muscles!
We finished our day off by having a lovely pink snack that we prepared yesterday which we shared with our Mums, Dads, Grannies, Aunties and Childminders!
Well done everyone. You all worked really hard today and have done all term.  Have a lovely October holiday and we will see you on the 29th October.

Visit to the Postman Pat Playpark

As it was a nice day on Thursday, we asked if we could go for a walk down to the playpark.  We noticed signs of Autumn all the way down.  We had our snack on the train which was lovely then had great fun playing on all the new equipment.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Wear it Pink Day

Just a quick reminder abour our Wear it Pink Supehero Day on Friday 12th October.
On Friday we would like all our pupils and staff to wear something pink and bring a £2 donation towards a fantastic cause.

If your child does not attend a Friday session and they would like to join us please speak to us to let us know.

We shall be making some pink buns for snack and will have pink juice. If you would like to you can come 10 minutes early to collect your child and join us for our pink snack. We look forward to seeing you. ( feel free to wear a little pink)

Monday 8 October 2012

Making our own snack

We made our own snack today which proved very popular. We had to think about keeping safe when using the toaster and keep a steady hand when spooning the beans on our toast.

Show and Tell

Just a little reminder about Show and Tell tomorrow Tuesday 9th October 2012

Children may bring something to show the others or have something they would like to tell the others. If your child chooses to bring a toy or object to show then we would prefer that it fits in their tray.

Friday 5 October 2012

Superhero Dancing!

Check out our fast and slow Superhero dances!

P1020464 from SPS on Vimeo.

P1020466 from SPS on Vimeo.

Superhero by Patty Shukla

The children have requested to sing Superhero by Patty Shukla as our song next week.

Week 7

 The children have been very interested in Super Heroes so we made a book about 'Our Super Powers'. This is on display in the foyer. Feel free to have a look.
 We went outside to look for signs of Autumn.
This is what we discovered - "They're scrunchie".  "They are crunchie under my feet"
"They are yellow, red, brown" "You get acorns at autumn time. I saw them on my holiday."
We have been making some autumn prints using autumn colours.
We used many of our senses while exploring the waterbeads.
Being creative with the playdough and spaghetti. We used our problem solving skills to make models.
We have been having a look at our names and letter formation.

Friday 28 September 2012

Walk to School Month

Well done to all the children who walked to school at least once a week this month.  All children who filled this in on the poster will receive their badge next week.

Our October poster has now been displayed in the foyer.  Can we please remind parents to colour in the football any day that your child walks all or part of the way to nursery?  If they walk once a week to nursery, they will receive a badge at the end of the month.

Autumn Leaves

We are going to looking for signs of Autumn next week.  This will be our song (tune of London Bridge).

The autumn leaves have fallen down,
fallen down, fallen down.
The wind he came and blew them round,
And blew them round.

Let's find a brush and start to sweep,
Start to sweep, start to sweep,
And make them into a great big heap,
Into a great big heap.

Week 6 in the nursery

We have been very busy this week again. 
We have been making and wrapping presents for our families. 
We have been writing labels for them too.

We were creating cards, writing lovely messages inside.
We were using the rainbow bells to help us sing our rainbow song.
We were reading stories to our babies and to our friends.
We set up a huge train track for the crane.
We used the map to help us find where the treasure was hidden in the nursery.
Outside we discovered the big jumping sacks and were having lots of fun figuring out how to jump in them.
We were playing colour matching games.
We were strengthening our hand muscles as we explored tin foil.  We were tearing it, cutting it, crumpling it, glueing it and squashing it. 
We have been looking after our baby twins at the house.  We decided that we needed to buy a double buggy for them.  We knew that 'if you can't buy something in the shops here, just try ebay'!  We looked on ebay and found a buggy but we are going to try Orkney Merkit place first!
A lot of us had a go at the Snail Race game.  We were taking turns, sharing resources and learning our colours.
We had gloop on the messy table this week.  It was funny to play in because we could squish it, roll it, scoop it and it ran through our fingers.  We used lots of new descriptive words when we were talking about it. 
We have been developing our planning skills this week.  We were using the fireman's hat as our talking tool.  We were thinking about what we wanted to do during work time and what we would need to do it.