Wednesday 28 February 2018

Last week we were learning a little bit about Chinese New Year and how this is celebrated. 

In the Maths Area some of us were keen to look at the Chinese numbers.
They look very different to the numbers we usually see all around the nursery.

Some of us used chalk and chalk boards to draw the numbers.
While others enjoyed the red glitter tray to mark make in.

In the Finger Gym area, we had great fun using the chop sticks and scoopers to pick up and transport the pom poms.
Some of us enjoyed adding the beads to make the Chinese Dragon breathe fire too!
As we did, we were making our little fingers work hard!
Some of us sorted the beads by colour, others sorted by shape.
Some of us enjoyed making a pattern with the beads too.

Following our interest in Electricity and Circuits, we had some Static Electricity Fun!

Lift the Lycra in the air, Look at all the Funny Hair!

Plasma Ball Fun!

Small World Play outside. The children are really enjoying opportunities for small play outside.

Last week we started to create our own little small world play area using some tyres.

They planned what they would like to put inside the tyres.

Some they wanted to fill with the bark.
Others they wanted to fill with soil and compost.
Another tyre they wished to fill with stones.

Great team work and planning!

Then they began to plan what they would like to play with inside the tyres.

We began to create a Dinosaur World in one tyre.
Another one needed carrots and farm animals.
While another was to be a Fairy Land.
After lots of hard work, planning and designing, transporting and lifting our Small World Area outside was created.

Loose Part Fun in the Art Room.

Lots of the children had some very creative play in the art room with the frames, leaves, dinosaurs and natural materials.
What a wonderful knowledge we have about dinosaurs!

We also explored natural resources and buttons and frames in the art room too.

Hose Play Fun!
Great team work, imagination and active running fun.

In the Playdough area, we set up a self service playdough making station!

This was very popular with the children.

They added, mixed and measured the ingredients that they needed. 

Taking full advantage of a beautiful day some of the whole day children ventured into the big playground for an explore.

Remember to pop back soon again and see what we are up to.
It's a busy place and there is always lots to see.
Remember we welcome your comments on our pictures too.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Time for some Obstacle Fun outside this week.

The children were very busy.
First they planned their obstacle courses.
Then they built them. 
Then they tried them out and demonstrated them to the other children.
Fantastic work everyone!

Following our interest in painting and printing with our feet last week, this week we had a go at bubble wrap sock painting!

Following our interest in how things work at our 'Tinkering Station' we investigated some simple circuits this week!

We discovered that we could light up a light bulb!
It was quite tricky for our little fingers to use the crocodile clips but we did a fantastic job!

Many of us are continuing to love big boxes at the Junk modelling area.
Developing this interest, we took the boxes into the hall for some 'Big Box Fun'

How can we get over the box?
Can we hide inside the box?

How can we move the box?
How tall can we build the boxes?

Who's inside the box?

We have been loving to add herbs and spices into our playdough.
So this week we added some herbs and spices to our sensory trays in the writing area.

We loved pouring and mixing the spices.
We loved the smell of them too!

Time to mark make in the spices and herbs as we work those fingers.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Another busy, fun filled week in the Nursery. 
Following the children's interest in sensory materials and investigating how these feel on our feet, we had lots more sensory fun this week!

Many of us loved to explore the paint on our feet.
We slid in the paint like ice skating!
We discovered the patterns we could make.

We noticed the colours we could make as the paint mixed together

Great team work and problem solving too.
Holding hands to help us stay standing in the paint.

We added some sensory trays to the writing area too.
Some of us loved it, others didn't like the smell or the texture.

Lots of mark making in the foam. 
Some of us enjoyed writing our names in the foam. Others enjoyed drawing themselves.

Gloop Fun!

How does it feel on your toes?

Time for lots of outdoor fun too!
The children were loving our new cable reels outside.

What fantastic opportunities for balancing, risk assessing, jumping as so much more!

Ready, Steady, Go...........

The children began to create obstacle courses outside and we will continue to further develop this interest next week.

Monday 5 February 2018

Wow! It's February already! What a super start to this term we have had.

Last Monday Lindsay visited us again to make some more fat balls to feed the birds at this cold time of year.

Following the children's interest in the birds and bird food making last week, here are some of them very busy as they plan for the new 'woodland forest' area in the small world play.

Mixing and stirring fun as the fat ball mixture is made!

Wow! Look at the sticky fingers. Time to explore the sticky texture in between our fingers too.
Here's a sneak peep at our lovely new woodland forest that the children created last week.
Have a peep the next time you are in. 
We think you will agree, they had done a fantastic job!
Paint, Paint and more Painting Fun!
Here some of the children are creating a wonderful backdrop for their forest!
Some of the children have been very interested in 'camouflage' colours and wanted to paint a camouflage den too.

Here are some more fat balls being made.
What lucky birds we had in Stromness last week!

Here are some of the children exploring our new 'Tinkering' Station too.
What fun they had had finding out how things work and taking things apart!
They have been using real tools and learning how to use these carefully.

We had bird seed in our sensory tray last week.
As the week progressed, so did our interest.
We knew what it felt like on our fingers but we wanted to know what it felt like on our toes!

Some of use wanted to know what it felt like to be a bird!

And on Friday we had a very special visitor!

We had a little baby brother to visit us who was only 11 days old!

He was a super star as was his big sister!
He had lots of children and grown up's who were very keen to have a cuddle or two!
We can't wait for him to visit us again!

Remember to pop back again soon and see what is happening in the nursery.
We are a busy little lot in here!