Thursday 19 December 2013

A huge thank you to everyone who kindly purchased items from our Nursery Fundraiser stall last week. 
The children were very busy in the nursery helping to get all of the fundraiser items ready.
 They were great little elves and did a super job!
 The children each made two baubles to sell at our fundraiser. They painted their whole hand white to make snowman baubles and painted their thumb brown to make reindeer baubles. It was great fun!
 The boys and girls in nursery were very busy making cards to sell at our fundraising stall too.
 We all helped to make Christmas Shortbread to sell.
 It was very popular and it sold out quickly!
We used different shaped cutters and made stars, bells and even Christmas tree shaped shortbread.
 We sold bags of Rudolph noses last week too.
 In nursery, we all helped to count eight maltesers in to our bags and added a red one for Rudolph's nose!
Lots of us were very busy helping to make reindeer food.
 Let's hope we all remember to sprinkle it outside on Christmas Eve so that Santa knows where to stop!

Friday 6 December 2013

A huge thank you to everyone who managed to come along to our Christmas craft day on Monday.
It was a huge success and the nursery is certainly looking ready for Christmas now!
Lots of us helped to paint a stained glass window!
It looks really super in the nursery and from outside too.

We were all very busy taking part in all of the Christmas craft activities. We had great fun.
Once our craft afternoon was over, the nursery was looking fab!
Well Done everyone for all your hard work.