Sunday 4 October 2015

Here's some more pictures that we forgot to share with you last week!

Here are some of our am session who went along to the super Roald Dahl Day assembly.

Look closely at our super costumes.
Can you recognise anyone?

Here are some more pictures of our fantastic costumes on Roald Dahl Day.
A huge 'Well Done' to everyone who dressed up.

It's been another busy week in the nursery.
Here's a few pictures to let you see some of the things we have been busy doing.

This week lots of the boys and girls having been busy helping us to plan and design our outdoor area.
Some of the children have been busy cutting out and sticking down pictures of things they would really like to play with outside.
Some of you have been drawing and mark making your ideas.
While some of you have been busy telling us your wonderful ideas too.
We have popped your ideas up in the nursery so that everyone can see your many excellent ideas.

We decided we would like some more colour in our outdoor area!
This week lots of us have been busy painting different shapes and sizes of stones.
We are going to varnish them and get them in our Outdoor area soon.

There has been lots of interest in the builders outside this week.
They gave us lots of ideas for our building too.
They even gave us some hard hats to wear so we could play builder's too!
We have been using our imaginations outside this week.
Using the big bricks, lego bricks and lots of loose parts we have been enjoying building in the sun!
Inside, we had a little move of our construction area too. 
We decided to add some material and pegs to our area.
Some of the children had a great idea, they started to build dens!
Peep! Who can we see hiding in the den?

Some of the children have been interested in the different seasons too.
They were keen to find out about leaves and why they were falling down.
We investigated the different colours and shapes of the leaves.
Lots of us were interested to see what lives in the leaves too.
We used magnifying glasses to look closely.
Through our magnifying glasses we found enormous slaters, worms and even a centipede!