Saturday 21 February 2015

What fun we have had playing with the community bricks this week.
We have been using our imaginations to build the Hamnavoe, Car Parks, Towns and some very tall  structures.
We have shown excellent Team Work.
We have worked together sharing our ideas and helping each other to carry heavier parts.

It was Shrove Tuesday this week and to celebrate we all helped to make yummy Pancakes.

We enjoyed munching them up for snack with creme fraiche and fruit.
We had great fun out in the 'Mugga'.
We all had great fun developing our hoop and ball skills
Some of us practised our rolling skills, while others had fun throwing and catching. 
Many of us enjoyed scoring goals and heading the ball.

Many of us were keen to make symmetrical butterflies at the craft table this week too.

What a busy week! 
On Thursday, it was time to celebrate Chinese New Year.
We all really enjoyed our noodle and prawn cracker snack.
We even had a Chinese Dragon visit the Nursery!
Look carefully, does this Dragon look familiar?
Luckily, he was a happy dragon and he wasn't too hungry!
Lots of us were interested in investigating and exploring Chinese writing too.
Some of us tried to write the letters in our name in Chinese. 
Others explored Chinese Numbers.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Messy Fun in the Nursery!
Some of the children helped us to plan what they would like to do in nursery. 
Some of them were keen to do try some hand printing and painting and even some painting with our feet!
So guess what, we put it on our weekly plan and got messy!

What fun we had! 
Lots of us had super words to describe the paint on our toes!
Some of the children thought it was very cold, others thought it was very slimy and slippy!
After all the fun, we even had to wash our feet in the sink!

Since coming back after the holidays we have been listening to the three Scottish Book Awards stories. 
We have taken part in lots of activities related to these stories and have enjoyed listening to them.
Here we are busy voting for our favourite story. 
Robot Rumpus was the favourite book in our nursery!

Some of the children helped us to think of new ideas for our house corner. 
One of the children's ideas was to turn the house corner in to a Vets.
Here we are developing our vets area and starting to look after lots of sick and injured animals.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

What a super day we all had last Thursday. 
Lindsey came to visit us from the RSPB.
She came to talk to us about some of the birds that we might see in Orkney.
She had a magic bag full of bird puppets and bird  toys.
We guessed what they might be. 
Then we said hello to the birds and they all said hello back to us!
Each bird sang a very special 'hello' bird song.
The one that made us all laugh was the noise of the puffin. We all thought it sounded like a cow!
Then we all helped to make bird feeders.
Lindsay told us all about what birds eat and why sometimes the birds need a little helping hand.
Once we had made our bird feeders the morning nursery session went on a very snowy bird walk!
It was straight after playtime and there were lots and lots of hungry birds looking for a snack or two!
We threw some of the bird food in through the gate at the pond area.
We were very lucky. Lots of birds came to investigate!