Thursday 28 August 2014

           A huge welcome to all of our new boys and girls who came to nursery for the first time last week!

A big welcome back to all the boys and girls who came back to see us again too.
What a busy first week back we had!
We thought you might like to see some of the many things we got up to during the week.

Many of us had great fun exploring the house corner. 
We were busy making cups of tea and soup. 
We also went in our car to the shops as we needed more shopping!

We enjoyed exploring the water tray too. 
Lots of us investigated pouring and filling. Many of us enjoyed playing with the boats too.

We had lovely new sand in the sand tray. 
Lots of us loved the feeling of the soft sand on our fingers. 
We investigated and explored the different containers. 
We were busy filling and emptying the containers and we were all keen to pour too.

We enjoyed trying different foods during our snack time. 
We were busy learning about our new snack routines too.
We follow the arrows to help us wash our hands, collect our plate and cup and then to pour our milk or water.
When we have finished our snack we were remembering to put our plate and cup away to be washed.

We were busy exploring the outdoor area at nursery. 
Many of us had fun keeping fit on the trikes and the scooters.

The Playdough table was very popular so we have more out this week too.
We had lots of budding 'Great British Bake Off' competitors who were busy making lots of cakes.

We enjoyed exploring the musical instruments and many of us were keen to play with the new nursery bells. We discovered to make them work, we need to hit a button on the top.

More outdoor fun while the sun is still shining!

Some of the boys and girls stayed in nursery for their first whole day.
They were busy learning about their new lunchtime routines.
Here some of the children are enjoying their first ever school dinner, yum yum.