Saturday 19 December 2015

 A hue thank you to everyone who came along to our Christmas Craft morning!
It really was a super morning.

Here are some of the children enjoying painting a stained glass window.
Busy making paper chains, threading beads and getting busy with the glitter!
Christmas colouring and making snowmen.
Glitter, Glitter everywhere!
You can never have too much glitter at Christmas time!

Time to get ready for the Christmas Concert!
Making and trying on our Donkey Ears in the nursery!
Don't they look great!
Time for our school Christmas Dinner!
What a super Christmas Dinner we all had!
We went through to the school dining hall for our Christmas Dinner.
We all did so well and enjoyed eating our Christmas Lunch with the rest of the school.
After our lunch we headed back through to the nursery for a spot of Christmas Strictly Come Dancing Fun!
We put the Christmas Music on and danced while some of the children held up their scores! 

Friday 4 December 2015

This week we were busy planning our next steps to develop our Outdoor Area!
The children were asked what they like to do outside.

They could all share some super ideas.
Many of the children like to balance, run, play with water, build and even be super heroes outside!

Once the children had shared their ideas of what they like to do, we were ready for the next even more exciting part!

Catherine Diamond visited us with some very excited suitcases. 
When we opened them they were full of little loose parts!
They had little pieces of nets, little bits of trees, kitchen foil, sand, twigs and much more...
 In small groups, the children were given a small tray.
Inside they used the small parts to create their ideal outdoor area!
They had excellent ideas and created some really super outdoor environments.
A campfire and a Water Pump were talked about often!

We are busy making a floor book.Once our floor book of the children's ideas is completed we will be ready for the next stage, designing and developing our area!

Exciting stuff!
Here's some more pictures from last week.

As we continued to follow the children's interest in the weather and seasons we tried out a new style of painting!

We painted with 'Paintstickles'!
They were really easy to make.
We popped the paint in some ice cube trays, popped in half a lollipop stick and put them in the freezer.
We were excited to see what had happened.
As we painted the 'Paintstickles' melted!
We had great fun and they created lots and lots of discussion.
The children are keen to paint with these another day.
More loose parts fun outside!
Lots of opportunities to design and be curious!
We decided to create ramps to run and walk down.
Then we wanted to put tryes at the bottom so we could jump too!

Just what we all need for the weather in Orkney!
Here we are dressed for all types of weather on the same day!

As well as investigating the cold weather and Ice, we spoke about hot, tropical places too.
We explored the playdough with tropical umbrellas, deck chairs and people.