Wednesday 17 December 2014

 Show Time! Here we are busy getting ready for our show 'Panto Pandemonium'
We practiced the songs and spent lots of time at the rehearsals.
 Here we are getting dressed up and ready to go!
Don't we all look smart!
Some of our aprons had letters on them and others had Christmas pictures such as stars, Christmas Puddings, Christmas Trees and even Rudolph!
The letters on our aprons spelt out the words 'Merry Christmas'
 Our performances were on Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon. 
We all did really well.
 We sang our little hearts out and sat still for a very long time! 
 Well Done! We all think you did a really super job!
 We had our first ever Christmas School Dinner in the Nursery last Friday!
Our Friday whole day children enjoyed their Christmas Dinner in the nursery.Yum!
We had good fun pulling our crackers and reading the funny jokes too!

Last Thursday was National Christmas Jumper Day! Lots of us joined in by wearing our Christmas Jumpers to nursery.
 Lots of us enjoyed popping on the Santa hats and starting to feel at little bit like Christmas is on it's way!

Sunday 7 December 2014

What a fantastic afternoon we had on Wednesday! 
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Christmas Decoration afternoon.

We had a super time painting our stained glass windows, making Christmas Wreaths and Paper Chains.

We were all really busy making our nursery look fantastic!
After we made our decorations we hung them up. 
The nursery is certainly looking ready for Christmas now. Well Done Everyone!
    We were busy making stockings, stained glass decorations to hang up, paper lanterns and Christmas bunting too!
What a busy time in nursery as we get ready for Christmas!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Wow! Look at all our nursery superheroes!
Last Friday we helped to raise money for Children in Need.
Lots of us had great fun dressing up in our superhero costumes.
We are sure you will agree that we all look fantastic! What an effort. Well Done everyone!
The nursery superheroes go on tour!
We went on a little tour of the school to show off our super costumes!
We had great fun showing off our costumes and seeing all the other boys and girls wonderful costumes too.
The morning nursery boys and girls popped in to the special Children in Need assembly too. 
We gave the whole school a little wave as we showed them our costumes.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

What a busy time we had in nursery last week!

We were very busy learning our 'Dancing Bones' Song! 
Lots of us enjoyed learning the dance  moves too!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Review Time. 
We had great fun sharing our song and dance with you.
 All of the adults were dressed in black last Friday because they had a plan!
Here are some of the many before and after pictures!
All of the children had great fun with masking tape and stickers! 
Can you guess what they were up to?
They had great fun using the masking tape to make our bones. 
Suddenly, we were all skeletons!!

 Wow! Look at all the amazing outfits! Do you recognise any of these characters?
 We had lots of new people joining us in the nursery session today! 
We had skeletons, vampires, witches, batman and many more scary characters.
 Lots of us were busy making spaghetti soup for the witches! 
Some of us tried to scoop out the pumpkins but it was quite tricky!
 We were very busy making our chocolate apples too! 
We dipped our apples into the chocolate and then into the sprinkles! Yum!

Don't they all look delicious!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Lots of the boys and girls in the nursery have been busy pretending to go to the shops and buy their shopping during their play in the house corner.

We thought it might be a good idea to invite some visitors in to learn more about our local shops and factories.
This week we had three special visitors who came to see us.
Doreen came to visit us from the butcher shop.

She brought different sausages to show us. 
We all enjoyed the sausages with beans for our snack!Thank you Doreen!

She also showed us what she wears in the butcher. 
She wears a butchers apron and a hat. Lots of us had good fun trying on the aprons and hats.

Archie's mum came to visit from our local bakery called Argos too.

They showed us the hair nets that they need to wear in the factory. 
We enjoyed trying these on too.

They had brought us a very special treat too!
We all got to pick an iced doughnut to put in a bag to take home. 

After our visitors left, a new supermarket opened in Stromness!

We have had great fun investigating how the till works and the pennies in the drawer.
Lots of us have been wearing the hats, hair nets and aprons while playing in the shop.

We have loved filling up our trollies and baskets with all of the goodies on our shopping lists!

Friday was a really windy day so we decided to make some wind streamers and have some imaginative fun outside!

We had great fun.
We enjoyed stretching up high and stretching down low with our streamers.
Lots of us made big circle shapes with the streamers.
 Some of us enjoyed running with two
We can't wait for the next windy day to play with them again!

Thursday 11 September 2014

What a busy couple of days we have had in Nursery!
We have been very lucky to have some very special visitors yesterday and today.

Yesterday we went through to the hall to see an African Drum group called 'Kakatsitsi'
We joined in to the rhythm and the beat. Lots of us had fun playing our own drums on our knees too!

We listened and joined in with the singing. 
The band sang and we sang back. 
We had a little workout too!
 We got to our feet and we all joined in with the dancing too.
We enjoyed following the movements and actions. 

Oh Help! Oh No! It's the...............

We had another very special visitor today!
It was very exciting! 
Today, the Gruffalo visited the nursery!
He had terrible tusks and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws......
Lots of us gave the Gruffalo a big hug.
We discovered he was really friendly and really very cuddly!

The Gruffalo gave us big waves. 
We think he liked our nursery too.
Some of us even rubbed his belly and we are sure we could fell the owl ice-cream and scrambled snake!

He's the Gruffalo, Gruffalo,Gruffalo, he's the Gruffalo.

He has knobbly knees and turned out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose!
Some of us even touched his purple prickles that were all over his back.

Patsy from the library visited with the Gruffalo today too. 
We all listened as Patsy read us the Julia Donaldson book all about our very special visitor.
The book Patsy read was called 'The Gruffalo'

Time for some more Gruffalo hugs!

We have been busy listening to this story in nursery this week too.
 We have also been learning the Gruffalo song. 
As the Gruffalo left we all sang to him.
We were all very excited to meet the Gruffalo today. 
We are busy planning some more Gruffalo activities for next week.
Tomorrow we are even planning to have Gruffalo Crumble for our snack! 
Wish us luck!

Sunday 7 September 2014

We have been introducing our new boys and girls to some different areas of the nursery this week.

We have been busy exploring our nursery raised garden bed.

When we went out to look, we found lots and lots of weeds had grown over the summer holidays. 
We had a lot of work to do!

We discovered some very spiky weeds called Thistles! We needed gloves on to pull these out. We have made a huge difference but we still have some more work to do!

We have also been listening to some funny books this week. We listened to a book called 'Pants' , another book called 'More Pants' and a book called 'Socks'

We decorated our own big and small pants using ink and stampers to make patterns. 
Look up on our washing lines as you come in to nursery and you will see lots of pairs of pants!

We used paint and collage materials at the craft table to help us decorate some socks too. 
We think the sock monster has visited the nursery as we can't find any pairs that match!

We enjoyed watching a story called ' We're going on a bear hunt' this week too. 
We went on our own mini bear hunt and explored the different areas around the school.

We hope we have managed to return all the bears safely back to the nursery!