Tuesday 13 December 2016

Merry Christmas Everyone......

It's coming... Not long now!!

Christmas officially arrived in the nursery last week.

Here are some of us are trying on our Santa hats as we headed through to the hall to have a wee practice for the Christmas songs!

Don't we look fab!

The wrapping station was very popular too! 
We had lots of Santa's and Santa's little helpers busy wrapping lots of pressies!

We were loving to develop our cutting skills at we chopped wrapping paper and sellotape.
Great team work too as we worked together to hold the paper, while a friend stuck the sellotape down!

We now have lots of fully trained elves, ready to help you wrap at home too!

A huge Thank you to the Kitchen Staff who prepared a delicious Christmas Dinner on Friday.

Our Friday all day children had a great time!
We joined the rest of the school in the hall for our Christmas dinner and fun.

We also had a great time Outside, playing creatively and using our Imagination!
It is never too cold for an Outdoor Swimming Pool in the Stromness Nursery!

We were also busy reading and watching our final, Bookbug Picture Book Prize Book, Hare and the Tortoise.

We used this story as a stimulus for our hall time.
We set up obstacle courses and practiced moving both fast and slow, just like the Hare and the Tortoise.

On Friday, we all voted for our favourite story. Overall in the nursery most children voted for the Hare and the Tortoise story.

We also really enjoyed one of our small group activities this week.
We had a great time looking through our Learning files.
The children were excited to look at the pictures and drawings.
They had fantastic memories and communicate excellently about lots of the things they found in their folder.
This is an activity we plan to repeat on a more regular basis.

It's been a busy old week already in the nursery. Keep looking back for further updates before the holidays!

Saturday 26 November 2016

Here's a few pics of our Children in Need Fun!

Popping pennies on our Penny Pudsey as we help to raise pennies for Children in Need

We visited the fantastic Children in Need Assembly!
It certainly kept us all entertained with the teacher and pupil challenges and even Pie Face Challenges!

Earlier in the week, the children were extremely busy painting and decorating Pudsey.

Pie Face Fun in the nursery!

We also had a super visit from our Road Safety Patrol Officer.

We have been busy learning about Road Safety.

Sheila visited us to tell us all about her very important job.

Many of the children have become increasingly interested in the letters in their name. 
Many have been very keen to form the letters on our Smart Board.

We had a super visit from Sally from Book Bug this week too.
She introduced us to our story for next week. Shark in the Park on a Windy Day!
We will be reading this book throughout the week.
It is one of the books nominated for the best picture book.

Sensory fun with the porridge oats!
At the end of the week the children investigated the porridge oats with water added.
It made some of us feel really hungry as it smelt good too!

Sunday 13 November 2016

It's been a fun filled, busy couple of weeks back!

Here's a few pictures to share the many things that we have been up to so far this term.

Halloween Fun in the nursery!

Dookin for apples!

Ready, Steady, Go........

Catch those apples and munch them up!

Pumpkin and play dough fun!
What fabulous faces we made on the pumpkins with the play dough.
We had great fun adding hair, eyebrows, horns and much more!

Coloured Spaghetti in the sensory tray!
Witches fingers and much more to explore!
We had fun strengthening our little muscles as we snipped the spaghetti too.

Many of use were keen to mark make in the glitter trays and explore the firework words.

Many of us were keen to copy and write the letters and words too.

Time to count those teeth!
We all did a super job of showing the dentist our sparkly teeth during our dental inspections this week.

Time for a cuddle with some very special visitors this week.
We have a very proud big sister who was keen to show us her very special little twin brothers.

We have been busy learning more about Road Safety this week.
We have been learning about Zebra Crossings and how to keep safe.
Lots of us already knew that we had to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN.

Time for some Road Safety role play outside.
We had a wee go at crossing the zebra crossing safely.
Some of us even pretended to be the drivers on our diddi cars.

We are looking forward to our visit from the Crossing Patrol Officer tomorrow so we can learn even more about keeping safe on our roads.

Remember to look back at our page next week to see what adventures and excitement we have been up to.
Remember we love to hear from you so if you would like to comment on any of the pictures you see that would be fantastic!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Wow! What a fast fun filled term that has been!

Here's some pictures to share with you of our last week before the October holidays!

We have had lots of opportunities to practice our balancing skills outside this week.
Lots of us enjoyed walking along the wiggly snake and balancing along the planks too.

Here are more of the boys and girls enjoying their super lesson in the hall with Mrs Garson.

What a super time they had with the carpet tiles.

Something we are working on in the nursery is sharing the children's learning folders with them more regularly. 

The butterflies loved having a look at all of their photographs.
Some of them were keen to add pictures and drawings to their files too.
Throughout next term we will be planning some small group activities where the children have further opportunities to look through and add to their learning files.

Woodland Puppet Fun!
The children have been loving the Percy the Park Keeper stories this week.
They enjoyed acting out parts of the story using these super puppets.

The children went on an Autumn Hunt Challenge!
They were busy looking for signs of the season.
They collected lots of different coloured leaves and twigs.
Some of these were added in to the sensory tray for us to explore even further.

Here are some of the children exploring their Autumn finds.
They used super words to describe what they looked and sounded like.

Tree Decorating!
We all had fantastic fun decorating trees with pip cleaners, beads, ribbon and shiny bells.

They look fantastic! 
We have added one at the entrance to the nursery and another one to our small world area.

One last day of the term in the nursery tomorrow and then it's holiday time!
We hope you all have a super holiday when they come.

Saturday 8 October 2016

We have been loving our role play cafe in the nursery for a number of weeks now.
This week we visited a real cafe!
Thank you so much to Argo's. We had a fantastic visit!

We were able to select our snack from our own 'peedie' menu!
We also bought and paid for our snack at the counter.
Then we all enjoyed eating our snack in the shop too.

Many of us have been interested in the season 'Autumn'. 
We have been finding out about this season and the changes that happen in Autumn.
We decided to have some 'Autumn Soup' in our water tray this week.
Some of the boys and girls went on a hunt to find the ingredients around the school.
They decided to add some leaves, branches and some flowers.

Throughout the term we have been busy developing our fine motor skills and mark making.
This week we drew some super self-portraits.
We have all popped them in our Learning Files so you can see them too.

We enjoyed some more playground games in the hall this week too.

This week the bumble bees had a wee go at baking for our snack.
We all had a turn at measuring, stirring and pouring the ingredients and all did a fantastic job at taking turns.
Well Done!

We are all enjoying our sensory trays at the writing table.
We have been busy writing and mark making in fake snow, shaving foam and Sahara Sand this week.
Some of us have been writing in it. 
Others have been drawing and some of us have been enjoying the different textures on our fingers and even noses!

More Autumn Fun Inspired Fun!
Many of us have loved painting the big tree branches in the art room.

We have been leaf printing and leaf painting too!

While others have enjoyed exploring all of our Autumn Themed items on the tough spot.
We have been using the magnifying glasses to look at the items closely.
We have also been using the tweezers and scissors to explore.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Mrs Garson popped in last week to do a wee PE lesson with the Bumble Bees.

Her lesson was using simple carpet tiles and was fantastic!

The children has a great time, strengthening muscles as they pulled each other around on the carpet tiles!

They used their listening skills and co-ordination as they placed different body parts onto the carpet tiles too.

Mrs Garson is returning tomorrow. 
The butterflies will experience this super lesson then and she will visit us the following week too so that the Ladybirds can have a wee shot also.

The children all loved this lesson and were all keen to go straight back!
A huge thank you to Mrs Garson..

The Butterflies were busy baking too!
They made us all a delicious snack!
This week the Bumble bees will be baking on Thursday.

We enjoyed a fun game during Small Group Time.
We played 'Guess what is hiding in the Sock!'

The children really enjoyed this game.
It was super at encouraging them to use all of their different senses.
It encouraged lots of communication and language too.

Later in the week, they were added in to the sensory tray which the children enjoyed investigating and exploring too.

Remember to pop back at the end of the week to see what we have been getting up to this week.