Thursday 20 November 2014

Wow! Look at all our nursery superheroes!
Last Friday we helped to raise money for Children in Need.
Lots of us had great fun dressing up in our superhero costumes.
We are sure you will agree that we all look fantastic! What an effort. Well Done everyone!
The nursery superheroes go on tour!
We went on a little tour of the school to show off our super costumes!
We had great fun showing off our costumes and seeing all the other boys and girls wonderful costumes too.
The morning nursery boys and girls popped in to the special Children in Need assembly too. 
We gave the whole school a little wave as we showed them our costumes.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

What a busy time we had in nursery last week!

We were very busy learning our 'Dancing Bones' Song! 
Lots of us enjoyed learning the dance  moves too!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Review Time. 
We had great fun sharing our song and dance with you.
 All of the adults were dressed in black last Friday because they had a plan!
Here are some of the many before and after pictures!
All of the children had great fun with masking tape and stickers! 
Can you guess what they were up to?
They had great fun using the masking tape to make our bones. 
Suddenly, we were all skeletons!!

 Wow! Look at all the amazing outfits! Do you recognise any of these characters?
 We had lots of new people joining us in the nursery session today! 
We had skeletons, vampires, witches, batman and many more scary characters.
 Lots of us were busy making spaghetti soup for the witches! 
Some of us tried to scoop out the pumpkins but it was quite tricky!
 We were very busy making our chocolate apples too! 
We dipped our apples into the chocolate and then into the sprinkles! Yum!

Don't they all look delicious!