Wednesday 11 October 2017

Some pictures of our super visit to the Boat Builders on Monday!

What a super trip.

We have had a lot of interest from the children building boats in our construction area.
Following on from this interest, a trip to the Boat Builders was planned. 

A super way to end the term.

Thank you all for your continued support again this term and we look forward to seeing you all back in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

As we quickly approach the end of the first term (already) it's time for a little focus on Autumn too.
Here are some of the children busy using the autumn colours as they paint and print with the Autumn Leaves.

Pop back later in the week to see what has been happening in our last week of term.

The term will finish for the children on Friday the 13th of October.

Term Two begins again on the Week Beginning Monday the 30th of October.

Here are some more pics from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Our interest in 'Ice' continued.
Many of us were keen to investigate how we could melt the ice and free the many animals from the ice!
Great enquiry and problem skills being further developed and explored.
We tried hammers, cosy water, cold water and running them under hot and cold water.

Once we had managed to free the animals and melt the ice we were curious to explore the water!
Many were keen to find out how we could freeze the water.
Lots of predictions were made.
How long would the water take to freeze?
Some super predictions were made including 50 minutes, an hour and maybe by the end of the session.

Here are some of the children planning where they would like to play with the chalk outside.
While others are busy planning on the phone!

Our interest in putting on concerts and being in a band continued to be very popular.

We have also been busy learning and loving the new Fischy music songs!
Our favourites so far seem to be
'You are a star...'
and 'Build Up'
The children are loving these songs and actions!

Our interest in building continues. 

Many of us enjoyed using the hammers and tap a shape.

While others were very keen to use real tools!
Here are some of the children using the real drill to make holes in our tyres.
With the weather changing, our tyres were filling up with water so we had a solution!
Holes, lets hope they let the water out!

As our interest in 'real' tools continued we added hammers and golf tee nails into our construction area.

Here we are developing our hand and eye coordination and our fine motor skills. 
Many of us were also keen to talk about 'Pattern' as we used the different coloured golf tees too.

Bubble painting fun in the art room!