Saturday 26 September 2015

On Friday the whole school celebrated Roald Dahl day. This years theme was 'The Twits'

To celebrate Roald Dahl day and his book the 'Twits' we were very busy looking at this story throughout the week.

We planned lots of exploratory and experimental experiences for the children during our small group time this week.

Mr Twit had lots of disgusting and rotten foods growing in his beard. Yuck!
He even had worms and spaghetti deep inside his beard.
We explored the texture and feeling of the spaghetti on our fingers.
We investigated the Mr Twit Beard Soup too!
We were intrigued to find out about the many different items lurking inside here too!
In our art area we were busy making Mr Twit beards.
Some of us practiced our mark making while some of us were busy cutting using the scissors and sticking with glue.
Look at all of these messy and dirty beards!
 Look out for them when you come into the Nursery on Monday.
 They are all on display for you to see.

Many of us dressed up on Friday.
The morning session popped along to see the P5 class and there fantastic assembly.
Keep looking back at our blog as we will be posting some more pictures of Roald Dahl week fun soon.

Monday 21 September 2015

Last week we visited the hall where he had great fun!
Here are some of the children very busy practicing and improving their balancing skills.
We love these photos showing the children exploring and problem solving as they find lots of wonderful places to balance and place the hoops!

We had great fun exploring more big outdoor art last week too!
As we were busy preparing the paper for our big art, some of the children started to ride over the paper with the bikes and scooters!
This gave us an excellent idea! Why not paint with the wheels?
The children were keen to explore welly painting too.
We explored the different footprints and patterns we could make when we ran and compared these with when we went slower and slower.
When we were finished if was time to wash our boots.
What better way to wash them than splashing in the cosy, soapy water!

Monday 14 September 2015

Here are some of our Ladybirds. 
They were very busy during small group time last week too.
Here they are busy creating their super canvas.
They had great fun creating this exploratory piece of art work.
Gloop, Gloop glorious gloop!
Here are some of the ladybirds exploring the clay last week.
Super messy, exploratory fun!
Here are some of the Butterflies enjoying last week's sensory experiences during their small group activities.
Water, cotton wool and glitter play.
More fun in the gloop!
Here is our final canvas in the making!

Saturday 12 September 2015

This week we have all been very busy exploring different materials!
Many of us have been loving all of these new experiences.

In our Key Groups, we have have all been very busy during our small group times.

Here are our busy little Bumblebees exploring the clay!
Lots of messy fun as they strengthen their hands and muscles.
All of the things that help us to get ready to mark make.

Each of our Key groups have created a group canvas!
Here are the Bumblebees creating their yellow art work.
The children loved this exploratory art where they had the freedom to stick on anything that was yellow!
We look forward to displaying these for you all to see very soon.
Now time for some water fun.
Our water tray had cotton wool and glitter for the children to explore this week.
More new experiences as many of the children loved exploring the gloop!
Gloop is made with flour and water and is very sticky!
Here's one of our little caterpillars. 
He is busy making exploring the art area as he creates a canvas for his key group too.
Keep an eye out for what the Ladybird's and the Butterflies have been working on during their small group times this week too.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Welcome back to our Early Learning and Childcare Setting.
We have all had a busy few fun filled weeks. 

We can't quite believe we are nearly at the end of week three already!
Here are a few pictures to show you some of the many things we have been busy learning about.
We have really been enjoying our outside play time. 
Some of our children were using their imaginations and had some super play making Volcanoes using buckets of sand and water.
To further this interest and learning we made Volcanoes outside on our tough spot.
We used baking powder, vinegar and red food colouring to look like lava.

The children had great fun and I think we sent home a few red children!

Following some of the children's interests we had a super visit from the Fire Engine last week. 

The children were able to have a little seat in the Fire Engine and all had great fun spraying the hose in to the pond!

Stromness Fire Fighters to the rescue!
After our visit to the Fire Engine, we set up some Fire Fighter Obstacle Courses in our playground.

Our Fire Fighters were very quick to put out the burning fires.

Many of us are enjoying exploring our science and investigation area too.
Many of the children enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to look very closely at the nursery slugs!
We have been busy exploring our new art area too. 
We have been busy colour mixing with our paints, exploring the clay, painting dinosaur eggs and drawings pictures of ourselves too.
Keep an eye out for more pictures appearing on our blog page soon!