Wednesday 28 March 2018

Many of the children have been keen to bring in toys from home.

We decided it would be a super opportunity to share these by having a 'Show and Tell' session. 

They loved sharing their toys with us!

There was great excitement as they told us how they worked, why they liked them and shared some super facts.

Well Done.

We all practiced our Listening Skills too.
Some of us were keen to ask some interesting questions as well.

As our interest in Science Experiments continued, we set up a flower and colour experiment.

We could make our predictions about what we thought might happen.
We have a super book in the nursery that we will pop outside with the big books to share with you.

We had some really super ideas about what we thought might happen

Last week was a very busy, full filled and action packed week!

We got in on the action of the whole school and joined them for some super Sports Relief Activities.

Here are some of the boys and girls taking part in a Zumba lesson!
They had fantastic fun and a real good work out!

In the Art Room, using the mirrors we did some black pen drawings.
We looked carefully at what we looked like.
Some of us even looked carefully at our friends to see what they looked like too.

We joined in with the P7's and completed our first ever daily mile!

This was a fantastic effort by all of the boys and girls in the nursery, 6 times around the school!

They loved it so with the help of the P6's they had another go on Monday.

A huge thank you to Mrs Laughton too.

Mrs Laughton came in to show us her Highland Dancing.

She showed us how to put our heels together and point our toes.

She showed us how to make Antlers with our hands too.

Miss Begley found it a little tricky and Mrs Laughton even helped her too!

Then we all joined in to do a little routine to the Scottish Music.

What Fun!

Pop back soon and see what we get up to next!

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Here are a few more pictures from last week.

Many of the children were keen to visit the school library and choose some books to enjoy.
We are planning a visit to the Local Stromness Library next term too.

Painting fun in the art room.
We had lots of fun painting with wooden pegs and cotton wool balls.
Some of us were keen to paint our name using these super paint pegs.

More obstacle fun outside!

We had to cross the nursery playground without touching the Lava!

Great team work!

Super imagination and problem solving using the loose parts.

...and they made it.. Phew!

Numicon fun too.

Some of the children were keen to play with Miss Harvey and the Numicon, numbers and pompoms. 

Pop back soon and see what we are up to next :-)

If you enjoy looking at the pictures and would like to add some comments or have any suggestions for us, we would love to hear from you too.

A huge thank you to Sheila, our road crossing patrol officer who visited us in nursery last week.

She told us all about the special reflective and fluorescent items of clothing that she wears.
Using our mini zebra crossing in our outdoor area she demonstrated how we can keep safe when crossing the roads.
We looked at the special word 'STOP' on the lollipop.
We even had a little go at holding the lollipop. It was quite heavy for our little arms!

Here are a couple of the boys busy painting their 'Stromness Rocks'

This is a super idea that is happening in the community at the moment.
The children and adults are busy decorating and hiding stones.
Then while the children and adults are out and about in Stromness they are going on a hunt for these wonderful stones.
It is such a super idea and very popular with the children here in the nursery.

Saturday 10 March 2018

It's been another busy week here in the nursery.

We have had a couple of lovely visits this week and the sun has been shining too.

Here a few pictures so you can see some of what has been happening this week.

We had great fun with big art outside this week.

It was time for some painting fun while riding on the bikes and scooters!

Lots of super balancing work again this week as the children used the loose parts to create their own obstacle course. 

Following on from the children's interest in stories and Lycra games we had a super Book Bug Visit on Tuesday morning. 

Don't worry if your child wasn't in on Tuesday, we have more visits in the planning. 

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.....

The boys and girls who were in on Tuesday afternoon enjoyed some Lycra games in the school library too.
We plan to visit the school library next week again as many of the children were keen to explore the books.

Time for some stories with Sally from Book Bug.

Making links with our local community, we have been very busy painting stones in the art room.

'Stromness Rocks' is a fantastic idea that many people are buzzing around trying to hide and find at the moment.

The idea is that you can paint or draw on a stone to decorate them in any way you wish. Then you hide the stone for others to find.

They have their own facebook page which is full of posts of people finding and hiding stones.

Here are some of the children painting their stones.

What a fantastic idea to get the children out and about!
Some of the stones were sent home on Friday and we have lots more ready to pop in trays.

Happy hunting and decorating!

Science Fun!
Some of the children were keen to learn more about Volcano's.

Here are some of the children helping to make volcano's on Thursday.

We loved adding the ingredients and waiting for the reaction.

We loved to watch as the bubbles and fizz poured over the bottle volcano!

We have also been busy learning about how to keep safe while crossing the road.

We painted our own pedestrian crossing and roads outside. 

We remembered to hold hands while we crossed the road.

We looked left and right and looked for the cars.
We used our ears too to listen to any vehicles. 

We had a super visit from Sheila our school crossing patrol officer on Friday.

Pop back soon again to see some pictures of our super visit.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Down in the Jungle where nobody goes

5th March 2018
Here is the link for our song for this week

Alternatively here are the words for the song...

Down in the jungle where nobody goes,
There’s a big fat elephant washing his clothes,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his clothes!
Boom, boogie, boom, boogie, boogie-woogie, (animal sound)
Boom, boogie, boom, boogie, boogie-woogie, (animal sound)
Boom, boogie, boom, boogie, boogie-woogie, (animal sound)
That’s the way he washes his clothes!
Add whichever animal you fancy next... gorilla, tiger, lion, crocodile...

Monday 5 March 2018

What  a fun couple of days we had celebrating 'World Book Day' last week.

Here are some of the children dressed up as Book Characters.
A huge well done to the children and the grown up's for creating these super costumes.

Sophie from the Tiger who came to tea, The Mouse from the Gruffalo, A Princess, Fantastic Mr Fox, A Power Ranger, a Dinosaur and a sheep were among the super costumes.

We loved seeing many of you dressed up!
A fabulous effort from everyone who joined in by dressing up.

On Friday we joined the rest of the school for the P5's World Book Day Assembly. 

We shared our favourite books from home over Thursday and Friday. 
P4's also visited us for some paired reading.

The Boys and Girls in the nursery thoroughly enjoyed this as did the P4 children who are keen to visit again!

Anyone for a Marmalade Sandwich?
Paddington Bear, The Witch from the Room on the Broom and even Shifty McGifty turned up on Friday with a SWAG bag full of jewels!

Here are some more super costumes!
Don't they all look fab.

More paired reading fun with the P4 children. 
A huge thank you to the P4 children who all did a super job of reading to us here in the nursery.

Here are some of the children sharing their favourite books.

Pop back again soon as we have even more pictures from World Book Day still to share with you.

Here are some of the children planning and developing our new 'Jungle' themed small world area.

The children were keen to have a Giraffe Habitat, A Monkey Habitat and somewhere for the Monkeys to live too.

Before the snow came, we continued to develop our small world area outside.
Last week, we added the bark in between the tyres.

...and then the snow came!
More opportunities for snow angels and sledging in the snow.
What fun!