Monday 16 January 2017

Here's a few more pics from last week that we forgot to share!

Lots of very busy, focussed little ones as they make their Cheerio Bird Feeders.

They are very busy developing their fine motor skills as they thread the Cheerios on to the pipe cleaners.

A really simple idea that the children and the birds loved!

Here are the Ladybirds busy making their fat balls.
The birds in Stomness were spoilt last week!

Parachute fun in the hall

We also had great fun using the Lycra for Rhymes and games in our key groups.

Pop back soon and see what else we are getting up to.

Friday 13 January 2017

Welcome back!
Term 3 is flying in already!

The children have been interested in the ever changing weather throughout the week.
As we have been on weather watch, the children have become very interested in feeding the birds.

We had a really super visit from Lindsey who visited us from the RSPB on Thursday.
The children just loved her visit.
They all listened and participated so well. We are really proud of you all!

Lindsey demonstrated how to make fat balls for the birds to eat during the winter months.

We used dry porridge oats, raisins, suet, flour and bird seed. 
We added this to Lindsey very sticky mixture!

We had to roll all of our ingredients onto the sticky mixture!
Then we could use our fingers to shape it. 
Some of us made spheres while some made cylinder shapes. Lots of us made different shapes too!

We were also very busy further developing our fine motor skills on the tough spot this week.
Making Cheerio bird feeders proved to be very popular too!
Some of the children even enjoyed making Cheerio bracelets with the pipe cleaners and Cheerios.

When they were ready, we popped them in a bad to take home for the birdies.
Lindsey told us to pop them on the grass outside our homes.
We needed to remember not to place them where a cat might jump on the birds!

Some of our all day children made some extra fat balls.
We headed out to the pond area where we placed some fat balls out for the birds.
Lindsey has brought us some binoculars which we have had great fun trying out.
We are planning to use these next week as we do a little bit of bird watching.

Mixing in the flour. What fun!

Using our listening parts as Lindsey showed us some different birds.
We learnt about their appearance and their song.
We listened carefully to the different songs that they sang.

Adding in the raisins to our bowls.
Here we are mixing and squashing the ingredients together with our fingers.
Some of us loved the squishy mixture, others weren't too sure!